Beauty tips easy at home
Beauty tips easy at home
Beauty tips every girl should know
Hey shawiansss !! Iam back with another beauty remedies
First of all happy valentine dayyyy❤️ my fam, uhh know valentine day are here and uhh need a glow up try this beauty tips to get that glow and healthy younger looking skin. If uhh love DIY check my another post Manicure idea
So let's start today's idea ππ
1:always double cleanse your face for removing makeup it helps uhh to removing all dirts and gunks beneath ur skin and gives uhh a flawless skin. Best facewashes
2 Drink plenty of water,, i know for some people it is hard to do,, iam also a person who doesn't drink lots of water, so uhh can drink water in other forms like juice
3 avoid touching your face it keeps your skin away from bacteria
4 If uhh have acne prone skin use aleovera gel as moisturizer to get rid of it.
5 always use products as your skin type,, bcz every bodies skin are different..choose products after knowing what suits you
6 always moisturize your face at night it keeps your skin healthy looking and young
7 always use a toner, it keeps your skin PH level balance
8 if uh want to grow your eyebrow, use castor oil it will help,, to make it thicker and darker
9 always use a primer before applying makeup,, it helps uhh to prevent clogging,
10 If uh want some glow in Urr face mix your foundation with your favorite moisturizer, it gives uh nice glowyy skin.
Beauty tips to get younger looking skin
11 avoid sulfates it can harm ur skin
12 eat a healthy diet
13 include retinol in ur skin care routine,, it helps uhh to prevent wrinkles
14 exercise or meditate daily it will help to restore your younger looking skin
15 exfoliate once a week
16 use rice water to get rid of large open pores, uhh can make it by overnight soaking the rice in water and use it as a toner.
17 if uh have dark circle use turmeric,take a tablespoon turmeric mix it with water,, apply it in effected area. It will definitely help uh
18 use a good serum to wake up with the most glowyy skin
19 if uh have acne use cinnamon powder as spot treatment
20 to lighten dark spot use almond oil,, take two tablespoon of oil in a vessel warm the oil in oven mix it with vitamin E. Apply on effected area, use at night to get desire result. To lighten ur dark spot more ideas are hereGlowing skin
21 use aleovera gel as a mask to make it smooth and shiny.if uhh wanna know how check here
22 always use a sunscreen, it helps uhh to avoid UV radiation which causes skin damage and tan . Use sunscreen which is paraben free.
23 for removing tan uh can mix honey with turmeric and make a paste it helps uhh to removing tan.
24 To make ur skin super glowy uh can take one minute facewash challenge in this uhh have to massage ur face with cleanser for one minute whenever uh wash ur face
25 use Vaseline petroleum jelly on ur lip to make it smooth and soft. Petroleum jelly is the best lip balm in my concern π
26 always start ur makeup with eye
27 put primer on ur eyelid before eye makeup
28 always choose right shade of foundation to make ur makeup
29 use one shade lighter concealer,, it will help uhh to properly hiding ur darkspots and dark circles.
30 if uh have acne prone skin use minimal amount of makeup
If uhh loved it pin it and share it and do let me know in comment section what topic uhh want to cover in my blog post. Love uhh allπ
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